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The Dermastamp

What changes can the Dermastamp make to my skin?

The Dermastamp tends to be most popular for treating scarring, particularly in those cases where scarring has been inflicted upon the face. However, the Dermastamp can be used to treat a number of aesthetic concerns as part of collagen induction, or scar reduction therapy. Prescription Skin Care’s Dermastamp treatment can greatly reduce the appearance of;

  • Deep lines and wrinkles
  • Acne scarring
  • Chicken pox scarring
  • Surgical scarring
  • Stretch marks

How does the Dermastamp work?

Using a vertical delivery system, the Dermastamp can penetrate isolated fibrotic scar tissue without causing additional damage. This way the device can stimulate nerve sensors and trick surrounding cells into thinking there is an injury located in the treatment area. This initiates a wound healing response which involves a process termed “cell proliferation.” Ultimately, this results in an incredible reduction in the appearance of scarring, and can also promote the growth of collagen.

How long does Dermastamp treatment take?

The device’s needles penetrate skin at 50-150 times per second, meaning treatments can be performed quite quickly. The average treatment time at a Prescription Skin Care Clinic can be expected to take less than 90 minutes.

Do I want Dermaroller or Dermastamp treatment?

The Dermaroller’s size means that it is largely inappropriate for facial treatments, whereas the Dermastamp can be easily applied on and around the many contours of the nose, mouth and eyes. The Dermastamp is best applied to smaller, harder to reach areas of the body and can be used to address a number of differing concerns at the same time, such as the occurrence of scarring and expression lines around the nose and eyes. For larger areas, the Dermaroller remains the most effective way to initiate both collagen induction and scar reduction therapy.

How often can I use receive Dermastamp treatment?

The frequency with which the Dermastamp can be applied depends on the treatment in which it is used. For collagen induction therapy it is recommended patients undergo between four and six treatments, four weeks apart from one another. When used in scar reduction therapy, Dermastamp treatments can be undertaken six or more times, but should still be spaced four weeks apart.

How long until I see the results of my treatment?

The results of Dermastamp treatment are instant, although collagen production is unlikely to occur until about six weeks after treatment. Following this, a patient’s skin will continue to improve for between six and twelve months.

Are there any side effects associated with using of the Dermastamp?

Patients may notice mild redness in their skin following treatment, but this should not last longer than 24 hours. In the history of the Dermastamp not a single, negative side effect has been reported.

How can I get the most out of Dermastamp treatments?

Mineral make up can be used to enhance the healing process, and zinc based sun screen is best applied if going outdoors. Patients should also avoid using products containing glycolic acid, retinol and other acids or ‘active’ ingredients. The use of an anti-inflammatory cleanser to soothe your skin, hyularonic acid to assist in its hydration, copper to promote healing and zinc to protect are all highly recommended. Consultation with one of Prescription Skin Care’s specialist nurses can assist you in determining the best products for treated skin.