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Intense Pulse Light

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Therapy is an innovative way to quickly, safely and comfortably improve the texture, tone and colour of the skin. Also known as IPL Photo Genesis or Photorejuvenation, this procedure can safely treat skin on the face, chest, arms and hands.

The signs of ageing or any sunspots will begin to fade away after treatment. As the skin flakes, it brings fresh, youthful looking skin to the foreground.

How does IPL work?

IPL Photo Genesis works by targeting the brown or red spots on the body with controlled heat. This heat destroys the red or brown pigments in the skin as it’s absorbed. The tissue is then naturally removed from the body, leaving clearer skin in its place.

Intense Pulse Light Treatment from Prescription Skin Care is non-invasive and non-ablative. This means that the laser targets the bottom layers of the skin without damaging the top layer. The results take longer to occur, but there is less downtime and the procedure isn’t as dramatic as ablative options.